Joined the project during the final stages of development to provide Unreal Engine 4 UI Technical Art support to help see the game through to completion.
Worked under Associate UI Director Jon Machin to implement assets that were provided into the game. This ranged from creating new UMG Widgets using either new or existing assets, blueprint scripting functionality into new and existing UMG Widgets & implementing finalised UMG Widgets into the game.
This was all performed under tight deadlines in order to meet the appropriate milestones that would allow us to launch a title that coincided with the brand new PlayStation VR 2 hardware.
Designed, created and implemented the tutorial menu section in the options screen
Created widgets and implemented all in-game UI within the Challenge Hub
Designed & implemented a low ammo widget attached to the players bow
Implemented a system to fade the weapon dial as the player progresses.
Redesigned and implemented the special ammo display
Rebuilt numerous widgets so as to provide full right to left text support for Arabic